
Showing posts from December, 2003

the last 7 Pages...

that's right the last in this series any way. It was a tough decision for me to make as 7 Pages is my little baby, but it's time for the baby to grow a little, find it's feet, spread its wings (Enough metaphors!) well you know what I mean. I'm working on a new zine (A6 size booklet) that should be ready in about a month. Unlike 7 pages it will come out every 4-6 weeks instead of every 1-2 weeks and will be bigger in page size, approximately around 28 pages. This new project will open up allot more creative opportunities and allow me to put a wider range of material in it. Maybe that takes away from 7 pages intimate diary like format, but in the end I think it's readability will be increased (in terms of coherency). Another one of the reasons for the change is the hardship of the printing costs each week, and the difficulty I have had distributing 7 pages outside my own area (as opposed to Melbourne zine stores and national zine distributors). So having it come out...

Thanks for reading...

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