I am a big Raymond Briggs fan. His comics were some of the first ones that I read; Other than the newspaper ones. Here is a look at his creative space and some insights in his writing process. "On the board is a spread from the book I've been working on for the past two years. It is about old age and death, and if I ever manage to finish it before I die, it will be called Time For Lights Out. The kind of work I do, which involves writing, designing and illustrating, needs a lot of space. This room is about 14 x 28 feet and is nowhere near big enough. This picture shows just a corner of it. There is also an ex-billiards table covered in equipment which the lucky scribbly-tappy writer does not need. First you write it, then you design the typography and lay out the hand lettering. This gives you some idea of the space you are going to need, so you can then design the format, the pagination and the grid. This will show what space is left for illustrations. You light-box off the ...