
Showing posts from October, 2013

A return to buildings

I seem to always return to drawing buildings. It is one of the most enjoyable things I find to draw. I love to draw strange architecture and impossible buildings. I am fascinated with the ad hoc nature of some buildings, how air conditioning units, and plumbing and electrical wires are added to buildings after the fact. Whole new additions are added, old windows and doorways are bricked in, an outdoor staircase added to a new floor. You could probably use one of my favourite fancy words, palimpsest, to describe it but it is something more than that. It has something to do with how we piece together our lives. How we have certain plans or the best intentions, but our life ultimately ends up being a patchwork of what we can pull together. Just like a patchwork quilt, sometimes we find interesting little scraps to piece together, sometimes it's pieces of whatever we can get our hands on. It ends up creating this beautiful mess, or should I say you have to take pride in your beautiful ...

Inktober update

I'm still posting my inktober drawings on Instagram and sharing them out to Tumblr. I am going to stop posting them on the blog here to avoid doubling up, rather I might post a collection later or post some recoloured works.

Whiteboard drawing - 12th Oct


Skull Boy - 11th Oct


Missed day - 10th Oct

I missed a day around about the 10th. Realistically I had enough content to post something, but I wasn't feeling well this week with some sort of cold. When doing these challenges I think it is good to do your best even if you miss a day here or there. My last two drawings in particular I was extremely happy with, ' One last swan dive' and ' skull boy '. Something about drawing this way feels a bit more natural to me, that is to draw straight with ink using no pencil preparation. This is something I have always found  to produce drawings that I feel are more unique to me. It can be scary though, there is comfort in drawing in pencil first, and the results can be unpredictable. I think sometimes this comfort can make you lazy though, using ink only forces you to think about exactly what it is you want to draw, you can't just leave it until later to figure out. If I don't know how I'm going to approach a drawing then I find myself undertaking some prel...

One last swan dive - 9th Oct


Mouth breather on the train - 8th Oct


A couple of nut jobs - 7th Oct


These dudes - 6th Oct

I felt like drawing the guys out of Flight of the Concords . I don't always like drawing characatures but I think these came out well

Inktober update

5 days into the Inktober challenge and things are going well. I have set my own rule for the challenge to not use pencils, just straight ink drawings onto paper. I have this particular simple style in mind that I've been trying to achieve. Partly inspired by my 7yo son Elliott's new found love of drawing and also from playing 'Draw Something' on the iPad which forces you to simplify your art. There is a certain amount of happy accident feel to the style, and something that hopeful is a bit more direct and truthful in the art. It's funny, as looking back at my work I have noticed this tendency to lean towards this simpler style, however I have this notion that I have to draw more realistic. That line doesn't really make much sense, but it's because it's all a bit new to me as well. As I mentioned in this previous post , I have found my drawings to be more interesting when they aren't planned in pencil first, they are also more enjoyable to draw, as ...

Angry Dude - 5th Oct

I did a heap of drawings today for inktober, I found it hard to pick one. This guy stood out. He's a character I've been trying to nail for a story I have in mind.

Scavenging - 4th Oct

I've been enjoying listening to the World War Z audio book which inspired this

On the run - 3rd Oct


Naughty Elves


Some dudes - 2nd Oct


Rat Catcher - Oct 1st

I had been doing some preliminary drawing for this years Christmas card when I started thinking about doing a series of ink drawings. Trying to keep the figure simple and drawing them straight with ink, no pencil preparation at all. The I heard through the talented Arran McKenna about ' Inktober ' where you produce a daily ink drawing during October and thought this would be a greta project to join in on.  I am thinking of combining these two things together and spending the month doing a series of ink drawings. I am going to aim for one per day, but I will see how I go. I do seem to give myself these challenges right when I have other things going on (I have six week of study left) This particular drawing is based on a character from the TV show 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' from season six episode six 'The Rat Dog'

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