A return to buildings

I seem to always return to drawing buildings. It is one of the most enjoyable things I find to draw. I love to draw strange architecture and impossible buildings. I am fascinated with the ad hoc nature of some buildings, how air conditioning units, and plumbing and electrical wires are added to buildings after the fact. Whole new additions are added, old windows and doorways are bricked in, an outdoor staircase added to a new floor. You could probably use one of my favourite fancy words, palimpsest, to describe it but it is something more than that. It has something to do with how we piece together our lives. How we have certain plans or the best intentions, but our life ultimately ends up being a patchwork of what we can pull together. Just like a patchwork quilt, sometimes we find interesting little scraps to piece together, sometimes it's pieces of whatever we can get our hands on. It ends up creating this beautiful mess, or should I say you have to take pride in your beautiful ...