
Showing posts from November, 2008

New T-Shirt

I just uploaded a new T-Shirt on called 'Blaster'. Remember that I have other designs on there to and also take orders for custom designs. Redbubble uses quality T-Shirts using a technique as good as if not better in some respects than screeen printing. They also have very reasonable postage rates wherever you are in the world and all for only $30. Click 'Blaster' above to order.
Still finding it hard to keep up with the drawing to any significant degree. Although I am probably managing around a strip every few days. Most likely just due to being strapped for time and not having many comfortable drawing nooks. We are not in our own place as yet but we have applied for a place that seems perfect for what we want. Hopefully we will be finding out more about it tomorrow. I still have a pile of emails to catch up on and other various errands that are falling by the wayside. If you are waiting for a reply email from me just drop me another reminder (having dial up again does not help either) Good news is I will be doing a workshop this coming Friday which should be fun and pays well. Other than that the weather has been warm and my hay fever has been going nuts. Damn I need to get back into daily comics, I just can not scratch the itch with these written posts…


I was thinking today that I may have to take a break from the daily comics until we find a place to live, as I just can’t seem to catch up with them. This is not really ideal for me as I feel that documenting this period could be really interesting but all of my spare time is filled with finding a place to live. Currently we’re living at my mums place which is getting cramped and frustrating for us. Perhaps I can do some written posts for a little while it may be easier to keep up with

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