Pentel Brush Pen Review (GFKP)
Image care of I first bought this pen a few years back out of curiosity, after talking with Nikki Greenberg about her drawing process and some tools she was using at the time. It is for these reasons that I am often on the lookout for a drawing pen that can give me a nice variable line, something that instantly has a bit of character to it. Tombow brush pens come close, but they are disposable and drain quickly. I have a similar feelings about Faber Castell Pitt pens, although I know of many people like Lucy Knisely and Adam Koford who use the Pitt pens with great skill. I have recently revisited Pentel's GFKP brush pen. It has a flexible brush tip and can be refilled with specially made ink cartridges which are relatively cheap and seem to last for ages. The pen gives a nice lush line with an easy variability. The ink is dark and waterproof and can handle watercolour and ink washes over the top. On some types of paper the ink can take slightly longer to dry wh...