Still life with woodpecker

I started questioning why I don’t read more. I mean I read comics, magazines, newspapers etc but when it comes to books, esp fiction, I don’t really read that much. I always shrugged this off and told myself that I don't really like fiction novels all that much. Then I think, on the other hand, I enjoy reading biographies and books on UFO’s for example.
I recently made a resolution to read more whether it be fiction or not. I think I’ve just been lazy in finding stuff I actually like and maybe my reading skills could be better (my daughter has read more novels than I did at her age...) so I picked out a Tom Robins novel sitting in my bookshelf which I had borrowed from a friend (Tom Robbins seems to be one author I can stand reading and enjoy his novels immensely) I got a few pages in but that’s it. I’m just finding I don’t have much time to read these days. But still it’s just another excuse I need to make the time. I’ll let you know how it goes…

Also comics on mobiles, bring it on!


  1. Do not feel alone. Face it, you have a new child now. New parents do not get to read. Even though my youngests are now two years old, whenever I pick up a book I cannot get past the first chapter. I have started several books and never read any of them. I settle for reading news and stuff on the Internet and an occasional comic. I know that once the kids get older I will be able to read again. Heck, my mother just retired and she is reading a lot now!http://


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