Art Auction

The university that I work for is having their annual art auction to raise funds for the graduating third year of visual art students. Having been the beneficiary of a great end of year exhibition in Melbourne for my graduating year, I always like to try and make a special effort to donate work.
I do not like to just donate any old work lying around, after all this is going out there and representing me as an artist, so I usually custom make something.
This particular piece (Seen above) I am really happy with. it always seems to be the pieces you are giving away which turn out to be the best ones.

A lot of the readers would be unfamiliar with the mixed media work I produce outside of comics. As you can see in this piece it uses a print of one of my comic drawings as a background and then I have a bit of fun collaging and colouring the piece.
If you want a chance to own this you will have to turn up to the Mining exchange in Ballarat, Friday the 21st of August. Doors open at 6:00pm.


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