Revised 2nd edition of George Bloop comic Now available!

My new (revised) comic is now available to purchase digitally!

This was a story that I was really itching to tell and the first time around I just didn't feel like it met the expectations I had for it. A few people read it and liked it...but they expressed similar reservations, that the characters weren't as developed, what did Bloop's comics look like? There were lots of question the first edition raised. I gathered up all this feedback and went back to the drawing board and added 9 new pages to the story. I wanted to know the answers to these questions fully too! Adding the new pages led me to rewrite 70-80% of the text and dialogue adding in new elements that were left out the first time.

This comic also marks a point of experimentation for me, which is my first concerted effort to publish and promote a comic digitally. I still love and believe in print, and all going well I hope to be able to offer a print version of this comic one day. But I love the benefits that digital offers for me, worldwide distribution, the ability for people to easily share the work, to be able to use full colour without extra and prohibitive costs. The only downside is I'm not sure if people are used to the idea of a buying a digital comic, sure we know what one is and many people have read digital comics, but digital comics haven't reached the tipping point of mass acceptance like digital music or apps have yet.

And that's where I need your help, if you are someone who loves comics and you can see a future in the ability for independent artists to be able to find their own unique audience, it would be great if you could help me spread the word about my little comic.

I want to continue making comics like this on a regular basis and publishing them digitally. But I can't do it without the support of readers like you to do that. It doesn't have to be in the form of purchasing an actual copy for yourself. There are a few ways you can support it, such as,

Sharing this post with a friend, Writing a review* (for your blog, Smashwords,iTunes, Goodreads), sign up for my email newsletter for future publications.

The comics itself can be purchased in a DRM free format for $2 that is yours to keep from Smashwords, iTunes, or Gumroad.

Thanks for your support!

*If you have an actual review site get in touch and I can send you a free review copy in the digital format of your choice.


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