Free Wordle Scratchpad Template

Wordle still continues to be a daily dose of normal in a weird time. I don't try to play competitively with Wordle, meaning I just do it for fun and not obsess about how many rows it takes. However, when I find myself on row 4 and I'm still not really getting anywhere I break out a sheet of paper r or post-it notes and quickly draw a series of 5 underlines. 

As I've been into the idea of digital downloads I drew up this Wordle scratchpad to share for free!

Download Wordle Scratchpad 

The sheet should be self-explanatory if you play the game but here are some features:

  • I often go over what vowels I have used or not, in the heat of the moment I can forget 'u' or the almost vowel 'y' exists
  • Added the top 12 constants (non-vowels) for quick reference
  • I have a couple of favorite starter words but looked up a few more for a variety
  • You can add the date and your name
  • Designed for Letter paper (I wish everyone used A4 but I'm guessing most downloaders will be from North America and it should print fin on A4)
  • Two per page/print you could even print double-sided and save more trees!

In the spirit of Wordle I'm not charging for the scratchpad, but if you'd like to send your appreciation you can check out my digital comics site Spare Parts Press or give me a follow on Instagram


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