Murder in the red barn

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Artwork: Pete Warden (pencil on paper)
Colour: Anthony Woodward (PS CS2)
After visiting my friend Pete recently he showed me a few of these drawings he had done which were much more cartoony than he usualy does. I really liked them so he offered them to me as a gift. I swaped him some art too and also said I would like to give them a digital colouring and hopefully get some nice prints from them as well. So I'm submititing this for IF theme 'Farm', kinda looks like an organ harvesting farm or something..?

PS-Don't think I'll  be making it to Newcastle this year.


  1. Fun illo!! Reminded me of Yellow Submarine!

  2. Who's the pig? Your friend pete has pig on the brain, and brain of the pig savoured-they can do anything-fron games to the theory of relativity in this piece, Fantastic -farm on Mars maybe, beautiful subtle color by you as well!

  3. An organ farm WOW! Now this is art, and very fine coloring. I saw an anonymous person farming Aussie men would you believe! These organs are organic looking - dead or alive.

  4. this is really cool, the drawing is great. and you chose very good colors to acompany it.

    how fun it must be to swap some cool art with someone!

    ..anyway, great job.

  5. Thought you'd want to see this if you haven't already.



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