Pentel Rules

Hey I know it's nerdy but I just stumbled on Pentel's website. I really love pentel equipment. The hi polymer erasers are excellent for erasing pencils but keeping inks intact and I also love their white out pens and glue rollers. Apparently they've also got blue lead for pencils...

In other news I'm 'bacheloring' it this week, as Heather and her parents are on a week long trip to Tasmania.
I've slowed down on my comic at the moment which is mostly due to some minor RSI pains that I'm not really sure where they're coming from (either computer or excessive drawing...) and also I'm trying to catch up to myself as I'm currently around 2-3 pages ahead. Which brings me to the tooncasting, how is it working out from your point of view the reader? I guess if you checked the comicspace gallery once a week you'd have a decent read...


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