Writing Comics

I was sitting at my computer thinking about the craft of writing comics. I always find it interesting to read about how different aritist’s go about scripting their work. No doubt we’ve all seen Pekar’s method of dividing the page into 6 panels and using stick figures. Whilst other comic writers develop their story line as they go along.

When I first started doing comics years ago I preferred stories that I made up starting from one single panel or one single story idea and seeing where it went. I did this as any time I tried to script or flesh out a story it died fairly quickly and never made it to paper. It’s one of the reasons I now write autobiographical stories mostly trying to capture the story as it happens.

I have recently had ideas for some narrative non-fiction pieces which is forcing me to review my writing techniques. I would like to script the stories, essentially producing drafts that I can refine and polish but I’m hitting a brick as how best to do this, I can’t figure out if this wall is just procrastination or real concerns.

Which brings me to my request, would any comic artists (who write and draw their own material) out there like to write in and tell me about their particular techniques for writing their comics. I’d like this to include the smaller details too if important, ie, the time of day you write, you can only use spiral bounds books, typewriters or ‘MSWord’ etc.

Hopefully we can get a few responses and I can put together a post detailing them.
In the meantime I’ll try and write about some techniques I know of

I would also be happy to hear if you know of how any big name creators go about things like I mentioned with Pekar’s works


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