Rick Amor, comic artist

 Rick Amor, Landscape with a Car, 2000
Panel from Star bores, by Rick and Tina Amor,  1978

After a little digging I confirmed that the Rick Amor from Falcon comics, is indeed the Famous Australian painter Rick Amor, and Tina Amor was wife.

Amor rejoins his old jugband as a guitarist and meets Tina Schifferle,1 the
washboard player. In September he moves in with Tina in a shared house in
Hawthorn and begins full-time employment at the Public Works Department’s
survey section as a field assistant. Amor and Schifferle marry on 27 November.

Amor’s professional relationship with Brown ends abruptly. Amor finds work
illustrating five English educational comics for Macmillan Publishing Company,
which he compiles with his wife Tina, and receives a Visual Arts Board Grant from
the Australia Council. The dismissal of the Whitlam government in November marks
the commencement of his involvement with the Australian Labour Party and the
Trade Union movement.
From here,

Also this from here,
Amor worked in the mid-'70s as an illustrator and cartoonist. He had moved with his wife and two children to a cottage at the residence of Daryl and Joan Lindsay in Baxter, Victoria, and there he wrestled with his conviction that art should be engaged with life, the private and the political.


  1. wow, this is fascinating anthony! I went to the Rick Amor retrospective a couple of ears ago, but i had no idea that he'd made some comics! How inspirational!

  2. Apparently he drew underground comics before this too in the early 70's, they would be some rare items!

  3. Hi Anthony
    Rick is my Dad and was cartoonist throughout the 70's and some of the early 80's. Apart from the Falcon comics he produced political cartoons for the Tribune as well as creating spot illustrations for the Age newspaper's Green Guide. it was from these that I grew my own love of illustration and comics and animation. We still draw our birthday cards to each other today :)

  4. It's great to hear from you Lliam. I am planning on writing a little history on Falcon comics, I would love to talk to your Dad at some stage about his involvement. STar Bores made a big impression on me as a kid and may even be a contribtuing factor in being a comic artist.

  5. Sure - email me lliamamor AT optusnet DOT com DOT au



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